Banana bread recipe tip to make the delicious bake taste 'moist' (2024)

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Bright yellow, ripened bananas are the key ingredients for a delicious banana bread bake.

By Chanelle Georgina, Senior Reporter

Banana bread recipe tip to make the delicious bake taste 'moist' (2)

Banana bread can be such a simple and tasty bake (Image: Getty)

For this super-easy recipe, all the ingredients needed to make banana bread are most likely already in your kitchen.

Fans of the bake posted to Allrecipes that the banana bread is "simple" to make and has "great flavour and texture".

Additional community members of Allrecipes posted: "I have used this recipe, faithful to the ingredients, for years and loved it."

The basic ingredients needed include bananas, sugar, egg, butter, flour, baking soda, and salt.

And if you remember to combine all dry ingredients in one bowl, and wet ingredients in another, then you are already off to a great start.

READ MORE: Make banana bread that's moist and delicious with just three ingredients

Banana bread recipe tip to make the delicious bake taste 'moist' (3)

Ripened bananas can turn into delicious banana bread (Image: Getty)


Three ripe bananas, mashed

One cup of white sugar

One egg

Quarter cup melted butter

One-and-a-half cups of all-purpose flour

One teaspoon of baking soda

One teaspoon salt


Gather all ingredients. Preheat the oven to 165 degrees. Grease a 9x5-inch loaf pan.

Combine bananas, sugar, egg, and butter in a bowl. Mix flour and baking soda in a separate bowl, then stir into the banana mixture until the batter is just mixed.

Stir in salt and then pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted in the centre of the bread comes out clean, which typically takes about one hour.

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Banana bread recipe tip to make the delicious bake taste 'moist' (4)

People can add chocolate chips to banana bread (Image: Getty)

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Banana bread recipe tip to make the delicious bake taste 'moist' (5) Start 30-day FREE trial

And there you have it – a super simple and tasty banana bread bake that will be moreish.

While some people have followed the recipe by the letter, others have been more adventurous.

One community member used dark brown sugar for the bake and added spices and nuts.

Another swapped out butter for ghee and said: "That just took an already fantastic recipe to a new level."


    Anybody wanting to try out this banana bake recipe has been advised by an amateur baker who gave it a go to "not overmix the batter".

    The reviewer on Allrecipes said: "That's the trick to a moist banana bread."

    Additional tips included using a glass loaf tin and adding raw sugar to the top of the bake.

    For those wanting to watch their waistline, you will be delighted to know that one serving of the original banana bread is the equivalent of 225 calories.

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    Recipe Baking

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    Banana bread recipe tip to make the delicious bake taste 'moist' (2024)
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