Chicken-noodle-soup Rezepte | Chefkoch (2024)

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30.901 Rezepte

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30.901 Rezepte

 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5/ von 5 Sternen (1 Bewertungen) Asia Beef Noodle Soup  10 Min.  simpel einfach
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5/ von 5 Sternen (1 Bewertungen) Thai-Chicken-Soup  20 Min.  simpel Thai-Hühnersuppe
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5/ von 5 Sternen (1 Bewertungen) Taiwanesische Rinder-Nudelsuppe  60 Min.  simpel Taiwan Beef Noodle Soup
 (0 Bewertungen) Erdnuss - Chicken - Nudelsalat  50 Min.  simpel Rezept aus Singapur (Peanut Chicken Noodle Salad)
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4/ von 5 Sternen (1 Bewertungen) Chicken-Gnocchi Soup  90 Min.  simpel Hühnersuppe mit Gnocchi
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,3/ von 5 Sternen (8 Bewertungen) Maissuppe mit Huhn  10 Min.  simpel Chicken and Corn Soup - US Rezept einer amerikanischen Freundin
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8/ von 5 Sternen (3438 Bewertungen) Indisches Butter Chicken aus dem Ofen  30 Min.  normal
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (224 Bewertungen) Knusprige Chicken Nuggets selber machen  20 Min.  normal
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6/ von 5 Sternen (415 Bewertungen) Chicken Wrap mit Gemüse, Guacamole und Crème fraîche  45 Min.  normal
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6/ von 5 Sternen (286 Bewertungen) Chicken Wings à la miss-emily-erdbeer  15 Min.  normal
Geschmorte Drumsticks und Chicken Wings mit „Aioli“  40 Min.  normal Mit Fenchelsaat
Chicken and Waffles  20 Min.  normal Mit frischen Radieschen
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (30 Bewertungen) Crispy Chicken Burger  25 Min.  normal
Chicken Nuggets  30 Min.  normal Mit grünem Salat
Chicken-BBQ-Croque  20 Min.  simpel Mit Spitzkohlsalat
Crispy Chicken mit Chinakohl  15 Min.  simpel Mit Mungbohnensprossen
Tomaten-Chicken-Curry mit Joghurt  30 Min.  normal Cremiges Curry mit zarter Hähnchenbrust
Brioche mit Chicken-Salat  20 Min.  simpel Weißbrot mit Hähnchenbrust und würziger Curry-Mayonnaise
Chicken Alfredo  20 Min.  normal Mit Parmesan-Sahne-Sauce
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,3/ von 5 Sternen (6 Bewertungen) Chicken Wings koreanische Art - Dakgangjeong  30 Min.  normal knusprige Wings mit Knoblauch-Chili-Sojasauce
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (3 Bewertungen) Chicken Nuggets mit Käsefüllung  15 Min.  simpel Hähnchenbrust mit Cheddar und Salsa-Dip
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,2/ von 5 Sternen (5 Bewertungen) Chicken Nuggets in Cornflakeskruste mit selbstgemachtem Ketchup  60 Min.  normal
Buttermilk Fried Chicken  25 Min.  normal das beste "Fried Chicken" Rezept - zart, würzig, lecker von chefkoch_philipp-zitterbart 
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,9/ von 5 Sternen (87 Bewertungen) Butter-Chicken  15 Min.  simpel wie beim Inder
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8/ von 5 Sternen (361 Bewertungen) Indisches Chicken-Mango-Curry  15 Min.  normal fruchtig-mildes Hähnchencurry, schmeckt gut mit indischem Reis
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8/ von 5 Sternen (243 Bewertungen) Veganes Soja-"Chicken"-Korma  30 Min.  normal der indische Klassiker in veganer Version
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8/ von 5 Sternen (209 Bewertungen) Chicken Teriyaki - der japanische Klassiker  25 Min.  simpel
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (265 Bewertungen) Cape Town - Chicken Curry  30 Min.  normal Damit haben wir viele erfolreiche sommerliche Dinnerpartys in Kapstadt bestritten.
Kümmel-Pita mit Pulled Chicken  25 Min.  normal Mit Rosmarin
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (646 Bewertungen) Gong Bao Chicken  30 Min.  normal traditionelles chinesisches Wok-Gericht aus der Szechuan-Küche
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8/ von 5 Sternen (51 Bewertungen) Tandoori Masala Chicken Curry  45 Min.  pfiffig
Butter Chicken mit Gurken-Relish  45 Min.  normal Zartes Hähnchen in würzig-milder Sauce
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (833 Bewertungen) Indisches Chicken Korma  15 Min.  normal
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (53 Bewertungen) Saag Chicken  20 Min.  simpel indisches Hühnchen mit Spinat
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (45 Bewertungen) Pulled Chicken in Apfel-BBQ-Soße  15 Min.  simpel mit Brötchen
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7/ von 5 Sternen (47 Bewertungen) Schnelles Pulled Chicken  15 Min.  simpel sehr einfach und schnell
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8/ von 5 Sternen (30 Bewertungen) Beer Butt Chicken  60 Min.  normal Hähnchen aus dem Grill - auch für den Umluftofen geeignet.
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,9/ von 5 Sternen (16 Bewertungen) Murgh Makhani, Butter Chicken  40 Min.  normal Tandoori Chicken
 Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6/ von 5 Sternen (1037 Bewertungen) African Chicken  20 Min.  normal Afrikanisches Rezept
Chicken Saltimbocca  25 Min.  normal Mit Zitronen-Wein-Sud

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Rucola-Bandnudeln mit Hähnchen-Parmesan-Croûtons
Bunte Gemüse-Spätzle-Pfanne
Möhren-Champignon-Gemüse mit Kartoffelnudeln
Chicken-noodle-soup Rezepte | Chefkoch (2024)


How to spruce up chicken noodle soup can? ›

If you love food with some zing to it, drizzling in some hot sauce can be a great way to bring on the heat and give your soup an extra edge. Or, mix in some parsley, dill, or other fresh herbs to lend different tasting notes to your meal.

Why is my chicken noodle soup jelly? ›

When you simmer a fresh chicken — complete with bones, skin, and meat — you extract the collagen from the bones. This collagen in the bones is what is causing your soup to gel. It's completely natural, and it only happens in rich, well-made chicken stock. It can be a little freaky, though, if you're not expecting it!

Why do people say to eat chicken noodle soup when you re sick? ›

Compared with hot water alone, studies show chicken soup is more effective at loosening mucus. The herbs and spices sometimes used in chicken soup, such as pepper and garlic, also loosen mucus. The broth, which contains water and electrolytes, helps with rehydration.

Why is chicken noodle soup so soothing? ›

Hot steam that comes from your cup of soup can be helpful in reducing nasal congestion. “Steam can open up airways, making it easier to breathe. It also has a mild anti-inflammatory effect that can help relax your muscles and soothe the discomforts of cold symptoms,” Allonen says.

How to doctor up a can of chicken noodle soup? ›

But to put some pep back in your soup's step, you're going to want to add more. Start by sautéing any combination of finely chopped vegetables and alliums—like onion, garlic, carrots, celery, bell peppers, and ginger. Whatever you choose is going to infuse the entire can of soup you're about to heat.

How do you add depth of flavor to chicken soup? ›

For a deeply flavorful chicken soup, get some boneless, skinless chicken thighs, season them, brown them in a skillet, then finish them in a 375 F oven. You can refrigerate them until you're ready to make the soup, then simply dice them up and add them to the soup at the very end.

What thickens chicken soup? ›

6 ways to thicken soup:
  1. Blend all or part of it. If you've made a broth with chunks of vegetable in it, such as minestrone soup, then pour the soup through a sieve. ...
  2. Add cream or yogurt. ...
  3. Add flour or cornflour. ...
  4. Use a butter and flour paste. ...
  5. Blend in bread. ...
  6. Add lentils or rice. ...
  7. 5 of the best soup recipes to try next:

What is the white foam on chicken soup? ›

What is that scummy stuff? Impurities that form on the surface of some stocks and soups are rogue proteins which coagulate when heated, says Rosemary Trout, a culinary and food science professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

Why does my chicken soup have a film on it? ›

Bubbling to the surface are rogue proteins that have seeped out of the meat, bones, and higher-protein vegetables and coagulated due to heat.

What soup is best when sick? ›

9 Healthy Soups to Eat When You're Sick—And Sick of Chicken Noodle
  • Chicken and tortellini soup. ...
  • Apple-sauerkraut soup. ...
  • Mexican chickpea and quinoa soup. ...
  • Creamy kale and white bean soup. ...
  • Thai red curry noodle soup. ...
  • Roasted cauliflower soup. ...
  • Ham and white bean soup. ...
  • Slow cooker lentil soup.
Jun 14, 2023

What is the best broth to drink when sick? ›

Bone broth serves as a great way to replenish the fluids that you're losing, while also providing your body with valuable electrolytes from the sodium in the broth. These electrolytes will also help you absorb the water more easily.

Why do doctors recommend chicken soup? ›

Drinking warm liquids, such as soup, may give you relief from your symptoms for a short time. The steam from chicken soup may open up congested noses and throats. Soup also provides fluid, which thins mucus and helps prevent dehydration.

Why do I feel better after eating chicken noodle soup? ›

The soup contained a wide range of vegetables, including sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, and celery. Organizers found that chicken soup provided a mild anti-inflammatory effect—one that could help mitigate infections in the upper-respiratory area, such as the common cold.

Is chicken soup good for anxiety? ›

Comfort foods, like chicken soup, boost levels of serotonin, which is a brain chemical that produced a calming effect.

Why is Campbell's soup so salty? ›

Sodium plays an important function in food production.

It is important for the palatability, safety, and functionality of many foods. For example, in soup, salt brings out the savory flavor of chicken broth. In breads, it helps give texture (nooks and crannies) and a golden color to the crust.

What can I add to canned chicken soup to make it better? ›

How To Make Canned Soup Taste Like Homemade
  1. Sauté some onions and/or garlic: Low and slow is the way to go. ...
  2. Add protein: Leftover chicken or steak, some cooked diced ham or bacon or sausage (just a little — that soup is already salty). ...
  3. More vegetables: This is a great place for leftover cooked veggies.
Apr 25, 2023

How to dress up condensed chicken noodle soup? ›

Try adding coconut milk, lime juice, or even curry to your canned soup to elevate the flavors and creates a different taste. This is the perfect remedy when you are simply tired of your old favorite.

How do you enhance Campbell's soup? ›

Just a few drops of your favourite condiment will give your soup a new richness and bring the best out of the other ingredients. The saltiness of soy sauce goes especially well with meaty soups such as Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup, while just a few drops of Tabasco provides a real kick and a fiery heat.

How do you make canned chicken broth taste better? ›

Add Whole Spices

Spice up store-bought stock with whole peppercorns, bay leaves, star anise, or a cinnamon stick. Whole spices can add tremendous flavor to a stock. You might not think that bay leaves do much, but those dried leaves add an herbal flavor that helps make your stock more complex.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.