Lord Vader not viable without Maul? (2024)



96 posts Member

September 13, 2021 5:41PM

Lord Vader is really under performing versus the cost. I cannot even kill a single character in a Kenobi squad. Squads with CAT and without CAT. LV is unable to bypass GK's taunt and it leaves the entire team throwing skittles at GK while Master Kenobi is running circles around them regaining health and protection. Please don't tell me the only way to be viable is with the conquest character being unlocked in a few months. That is very concerning to me and majorly unfair. I'm extremely disappointed. A Galactic Legend should not be dependent upon 1 character on the team to even be used. Please tell me I'm wrong. CG, Is there anything you can do to fix this?

  • Salatious_Scrum

    2359 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 7:31PM


    Not every GL counters each other. It seems like JMK difficult to beat with Vader but you’ll have an easier time against other teams.

    I suppose it’s working as lore (and perhaps CG) intended. After all, Kenobi does have the high ground


  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 7:47PM


    Salatious_Scrum wrote: »

    Not every GL counters each other. It seems like JMK difficult to beat with Vader but you’ll have an easier time against other teams.

    I suppose it’s working as lore (and perhaps CG) intended. After all, Kenobi does have the high ground

    I considered that. But all the other GLs were great at the beginning with their ultimate. Maybe its a side effect of the release cadence. But i feel like its a 2 piece GL, and it is a little frustrating for that to actually be the intent.

  • CG_Doja_Fett_MINI

    520 postsSWGOH Dev Team › EA Community Manager

    September 13, 2021 9:01PM


    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.


  • Crayons

    565 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 9:09PM


    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    4 relic 8’s you’d be expecting more.

    Underwhelming GL

  • Ultra

    11554 posts Moderator

    September 13, 2021 9:13PM


    Crayons wrote: »

    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    4 relic 8’s you’d be expecting more.

    Underwhelming GL

    JMK was pretty underwhelming before CAT too

  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 9:16PM


    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    I guess its early from our perspective, but CG would have seen it long before me. I have not seen that footage. My real concern is that LV needs Maul to get around any active taunt. Thats where the biggest trouble is for him. Such a common thing to have taunting tanks, and it feels like a let down that he cant get through them. I do have faith that CG will respond if he is not preforming to their expectation. But i still wanted to voice my impressions to you all.

  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 9:20PM


    Ultra wrote: »

    Crayons wrote: »

    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    4 relic 8’s you’d be expecting more.

    Underwhelming GL

    JMK was pretty underwhelming before CAT too

    I have to disagree with that. I thought Kenobi was great day 1.


  • WattoisSnoke

    244 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 10:16PM


    Yeah from what I’ve seen, he’s utter trash. Takes forever to ramp up his damage, takes forever to build up his ultimate (especially opposite GMK who builds it in a blink of an eye) and, if his team is dead, his ultimate is useless. Sure Maul might and probably will elevate him but what a trash concept. GMK was **** impressive from day one and just got better. LV is super underwhelming and needs a tune up even before Maul, just let him increase his damage a lot faster, tie it to DoTs if need be, at least give him that to work better with OG Vader.


  • Ultra

    11554 posts Moderator

    September 13, 2021 10:22PM


    Agent_P_82 wrote: »

    Ultra wrote: »

    Crayons wrote: »

    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    4 relic 8’s you’d be expecting more.

    Underwhelming GL

    JMK was pretty underwhelming before CAT too

    I have to disagree with that. I thought Kenobi was great day 1.

    I did too but the general consensus was that he was underwhelming since JKR + JML / JML lead still dominated, SEE still walked over him, and in some cases Rey would win too

    plus Padme GR, and IIRC a few other non-GL teams countered him

  • Starslayer

    2421 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 10:27PM


    It was clearly established in the road ahead. Actually, it gives players 3 more months to farm prerequisites. However, putting in the newsletter a link to kit reveal (that shows maul synergy) or a small sentence stating that Maul will make LoVer even greater would have been a nice touch. I feel bad for players who didn’t watch the road ahead and spent valuable resources to get the new meta day one in order to shine in arena, because it’s not the new meta. Yet.

  • MikKro

    333 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 10:57PM


    Get half product and the rest is DLC's. This is the EAy

  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 13, 2021 11:57PM edited September 2021


    WattoisSnoke wrote: »

    Yeah from what I’ve seen, he’s utter trash. Takes forever to ramp up his damage, takes forever to build up his ultimate (especially opposite GMK who builds it in a blink of an eye) and, if his team is dead, his ultimate is useless. Sure Maul might and probably will elevate him but what a trash concept. GMK was **** impressive from day one and just got better. LV is super underwhelming and needs a tune up even before Maul, just let him increase his damage a lot faster, tie it to DoTs if need be, at least give him that to work better with OG Vader.

    My experience is the same. Strange dichotomy of killing the team to build ultimate charge, then needing the team back to be able to use the ultimate. It was left useless at the time to trigger it cause nobody was left

    Post edited by Agent_P_82 on

  • Winterwolves

    1756 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 12:34AM


    Someone in my shard unlocked Lord Vader a couple of days ago. He's gone back to using JMK.


  • WattoisSnoke

    244 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 12:40AM


    Agent_P_82 wrote: »

    WattoisSnoke wrote: »

    Yeah from what I’ve seen, he’s utter trash. Takes forever to ramp up his damage, takes forever to build up his ultimate (especially opposite GMK who builds it in a blink of an eye) and, if his team is dead, his ultimate is useless. Sure Maul might and probably will elevate him but what a trash concept. GMK was **** impressive from day one and just got better. LV is super underwhelming and needs a tune up even before Maul, just let him increase his damage a lot faster, tie it to DoTs if need be, at least give him that to work better with OG Vader.

    My experience is the same. Strange dichotomy of killing the team to build mastery, then needing the team back to use the ultimate. It was left useless at the time to trigger it.

    It’s so stupid, Kenobi gives his team up to 200% mastery to his team yet Vader takes away from his team… or gives em nothing which I don’t mind but instead of relying on his team, why doesn’t Vader just gain his own mastery to reflect his selfishness and that of the Sith. So while Kenobi gives mastery to his team, Vader instead gives it to himself without giving or taking anything from his team and relying only on himself. Literally mirror the ultimates like (Kenobi - give mastery to team based on ultimate charge, doubled at 100%) (Vader - gives mastery to himself based on ultimate charge, doubled at 100%)


  • ObitoUchiha78

    11 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 2:57AM


    Looks like Maul is his babysitter.


  • Eastryder

    34 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 5:30AM edited September 2021


    All GLs had a fairly good viability before ultimate. Well NOT LV. He just isn't worth it for 4 r8s and the entire team needed for him isn't even in the prerequisites. So really it's relicing up 4 more characters. Also not liking this 2 part GL stuff tied with conquest, especially since most won't get maul in 3 conquests

    Post edited by Kyno on


  • WattoisSnoke

    244 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 11:27AM


    I think a cool thing LV should have the entire battle is a permanent Marked built into his kit. Kind of a “dark” version of GAS having taunt and it would be a permanent debuff on himself. This would free up the need to have Piett since marking LV is his main use. That way you could have Maul as well as say ST, Storm and RG as tanks that LV could stack their Mastery on top of his own to become ever tankier. Then he’d just need a way to up his own damage quickly… although we don’t know how much Maul will give him stat wise, he may be enough.


  • Ultra

    11554 posts Moderator

    September 14, 2021 5:43PM


    Zanir wrote: »

    Ultra wrote: »

    Crayons wrote: »

    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    4 relic 8’s you’d be expecting more.

    Underwhelming GL

    JMK was pretty underwhelming before CAT too

    What in god's name are you smoking. JMK was fantastic right off the bat, even without ult.

    Did you read my follow-up post? People were complaining he was bad because of the many counters he had for his requirements


  • Sithmarauder

    1 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 5:51PM


    Well I don't fell LV is this character he needs to wait to get his full power?
    That is not Anakin his was impatient.
    I feel he shound fell more aggressive but that just how I like to LV to be

  • Rokaryn_Mazel

    230 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 8:46PM


    Ultra wrote: »

    Crayons wrote: »

    CG_Doja_Fett_MINI wrote: »

    I've seen gameplay of LV squads defeating every other GL squad (except JMK/CAT).
    I'm sure devs will keep an eye on things, but it's also still pretty early.

    4 relic 8’s you’d be expecting more.

    Underwhelming GL

    JMK was pretty underwhelming before CAT too

    Except JMK without CAT was still people's preferred squad arena team if they had him unlocked. Even pre-ultimate. From what I've seen, people with LV right now aren't using him arena other than to test.

  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 9:34PM


    Sithmarauder wrote: »

    Well I don't fell LV is this character he needs to wait to get his full power?
    That is not Anakin his was impatient.
    I feel he shound fell more aggressive but that just how I like to LV to be

    That's a really good point. The impatience of Anakin is contradicted with this kit of waiting.

  • WattoisSnoke

    244 posts Member

    September 14, 2021 11:04PM


    You know what, watching Ahnalds video, which was actually AP’s video, which was actually Metas video on gameplay featuring Maul with LV made me realise this thread is pretty pointless. We’d all love it if LV was better by himself BUT… his team with Maul is going to be so OP and broken, I don’t think it matters and CG, I believe, have probably done it this way on purpose. The reason being that it will give JMK a couple of more months at the top because once LV owners get Maul, it seems that JMK will be a non issue and will fall quite easily to LV. I get that it sucks we need a part 2 to a GL to make them great but, by the looks of the footage, that’s just the way it’s going to be.

  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 15, 2021 5:24PM


    I wanted to at least voice my disappointment with the 2 part GL. If it is going to be like that.

  • AleSahnDroh_1979

    950 posts Member

    September 15, 2021 5:33PM


    I see 2 very strange things in that video:
    1) Kenobi team don’t have turns. Only LV team plays forever. Is Kenobi team without mods?
    2) LV reaches quickly the ultimate. Wait… doesn’t he charge it when allies take damage? And they never do, they attack forever 🤔

  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 15, 2021 5:54PM


    AleSahnDroh_1979 wrote: »

    I see 2 very strange things in that video:
    1) Kenobi team don’t have turns. Only LV team plays forever. Is Kenobi team without mods?
    2) LV reaches quickly the ultimate. Wait… doesn’t he charge it when allies take damage? And they never do, they attack forever 🤔

    The self damage Maul takes will charge it.

  • Blubcop

    396 posts Member

    September 15, 2021 6:32PM


    AleSahnDroh_1979 wrote: »

    I see 2 very strange things in that video:
    1) Kenobi team don’t have turns. Only LV team plays forever. Is Kenobi team without mods?
    2) LV reaches quickly the ultimate. Wait… doesn’t he charge it when allies take damage? And they never do, they attack forever 🤔

    He also charges ultimate with his first special and in the video it seemed like the main charge source

  • WattoisSnoke

    244 posts Member

    September 15, 2021 10:29PM


    It’s not even that much more needed to fix him, give him a way to ramp up his damage quicker (for gods sake tie this to DoTs so he’s not useless by himself), let him bypass taunt while in ultimate and… well that would do before Maul tbh. Just have him not hit like a wet noodle until the battle is nearly done, every time a DoT is inflicted on an enemy unit, LV gains stacking offence, easy. Once Maul is in game and even now with his special, he can get to ultimate plenty quick enough so that part is ok.

  • Agent_P_82

    96 posts Member

    September 16, 2021 1:34AM


    I really like that idea to tie it to the DoTs. That makes sense to me. If not ult charge, then scaled damage.

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Lord Vader not viable without Maul? (2024)
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