Optical Illusion: What is It? (2024)

Now you see it, now you don’t. Optical illusions (or ambiguous images) can leave you wondering if your eyes are deceiving you. You squint and stare at that staircase that’s going up. Or is it going down? How about that strange psychedelic pattern? You could swear it’s moving. Are your eyes playing tricks on you?

No. Your brain is. These illusions are caused by your brain’s misinterpretation of images. Your perception of an illusion is more dependent on how your brain processes information than how your eyes present that information. Find out what optical illusions are and what makes them so baffling:


According toMichael Bach, a vision scientist, and professor of neurobiophysics at theUniversity of Freiburg Eye Hospitalin Freiburg, Germany, “Optical illusions are a mismatch between the immediate visual impression and the actual properties of the object.” Optical illusions aren’t malfunctions of the eyes or brain. They’re a disagreement between your eyes and your brain.


Optical illusions happen when your brain struggles to connect what it’s seeing with what it expects to see. In one-tenth of a second, your visual system sees, transmits, and processes images. Your brain strives to organize this information by defining borders, analyzing contrasting areas, sorting colors, and even guessing, based on experience, what is needed to fill the blanks. It’s constantly predicting what will happen next, which is its way of protecting you.

This process usually works, but sometimes your brain gets confused and can’t logically assemble this information. The result? An optical illusion.


Yes. Visual illusion is an umbrella term for all illusions. There are specific categories of illusions:

• Ambiguous Illusions – Pictures or objects that toggle between alternative interpretations. TheRubin’s Vaseis an ambiguous illusion.

• Distorting Illusions – These illusions distort length, position, curvature, and size. A classic example of a distorting illusion is thePonzo Illusion, in which two identical lines look like they’re different lengths.

• Paradox Illusions – Paradox illusions would be impossible in three dimensions. However, they look believable in two-dimensional drawings. These illusions rely on the brain’s misunderstanding that two edges must always connect. A famous example of a paradox illusion is“Ascending and Descending,”by M.C. Escher.


According to the Mayo Clinic, optical illusions won’t hurt your eyes unless you look at them for a long time and develop mild eyestrain. However, if you experience double vision or pain, it may be a sign of a serious condition.Florida Eye Specialists and Cataract Institute, Tampa Bay’s leader in complete eye care, can give you the reassurance of a trusted friend while expertly assessing and treating your condition.


There are real-world optical illusions. Some can be dangerous, and some are beneficial. Visual illusions can affect pilots in-flight. They may see a false horizon while airborne or a narrow runway when landing. Pilots are trained to identify and disregard this visual misinformation so that they can fly and land their planes safely.


Some illusions actually help thwart any danger. An optical illusion has been implemented as a safety measure on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive to control motorists’ speeds on anotoriously dangerous curve. The road appears to narrow from 16 feet wide to 8 feet wide. This illusion tricks drivers into slowing down to better navigate a tight-looking road.

Optical illusions have an important spot in research, as well. According toSusana Martinez-Conde, director of the laboratory of visual neuroscience atBarrow Neurological Institutein Phoenix, Arizona, “Optical illusions are important tools in visual research to help us understand how visual processing works in the normal brain and also in the diseased brain.”


Animals are just as adept as humans are at visual trickery. Fiddler crabs woo the ladies with something called theEbbinghaus Illusion. This effect allows males to elevate their perceived sex appeal by hanging out with less attractive competitors.

Hummingbirds can’t hover in front of a flower placed before a rolling, striped background. This gives them the false impression that the flower is moving.

A zebra’s striping also falsely conveys movement, making it difficult for predators to correctly time their attack.

Optical illusions make us second guess what’s real and what’s not. They may even make us wonder if there’s a problem with our vision. However, illusions take place in our brain, not our eyes. If you’re still concerned about your eyesight, the compassionate, highly experienced professionals at Florida Eye Specialists and Cataract Institute will apply the most advanced technologies to address your condition.Contact us nowfor an appointment and see what you’ve been missing.

Please note that not all of the information in this article will work for everyone and that this article is not a substitute for actual in-person medical treatment.

Optical Illusion: What is It? (2024)


What is optical illusion in simple words? ›

Optical illusions are images or pictures that we perceive differently than they really are. Put another way, optical illusions occur when our eyes send information to our brains that tricks us into perceiving something that does not match reality.

What does an optical illusion refer to? ›

Optical illusions are visual experiences that play tricks on the brain's perception. Certain neurons in the brain influence the message that the brain gets, which as a result, leads to what a person perceives. Also, the brain has a need to define reality based on objects that are familiar or that it has seen before.

Do you see real things in an optical illusion? ›

That's an optical illusion, which happens when the brain doesn't accurately interpret what the eyes are seeing. The result is that you're then tricked into seeing things that aren't there, or you don't see things that are actually there.

What is the secret behind optical illusion? ›

Your senses gather information and send it to your brain. But your brain does not simply receive this information—it creates your perception of the world. This means that sometimes your brain fills in gaps when there is incomplete information, or creates an image that isn't even there!

How do you explain optical illusions to kids? ›

Many optical illusions, or illusions that are seen, happen because of the way light behaves. Light travels at different speeds in different substances. It refracts, or bends, as it passes through one substance to another. For example, a ray of light is refracted as it moves from water to air.

How do optical illusions affect your eyes? ›

According to the Mayo Clinic, optical illusions won't hurt your eyes unless you look at them for a long time and develop mild eyestrain. However, if you experience double vision or pain, it may be a sign of a serious condition.

Why do illusions occur? ›

Illusions occur because of a result of a mismatch between the physical stimuli and its perception by the individual. The mismatch is caused by incorrect interpretation of information received by sensory organs.

What is an example of an illusion in real life? ›

illusion, a misrepresentation of a “real” sensory stimulus—that is, an interpretation that contradicts objective “reality” as defined by general agreement. For example, a child who perceives tree branches at night as if they are goblins may be said to be having an illusion.

What is the difference between a visual illusion and an optical illusion? ›

The terms "visual illusion" and "optical illusion" are often used interchangeably but they describe distinct phenomena. An optical illusion has to do with how light interacts with matter to create a perception that does not correspond to reality. A visual illusion is caused by the brain.

What happens to your brain during an optical illusion? ›

Sometimes, our brain gets confused by what the eyes are trying to tell it. This can mean the brain thinks things are moving when actually they're still. Or you might “see” shapes, shades or colours that aren't really there.

Why are we fooled by optical illusions? ›

“This theory would suggest that visual illusions exist because brains are taking advantage of statistical regularities in the world, and in that sense, these common illusions may all be instances of the same phenomenon: brains making inferences based on the typical arrangement of the visual world.”

What you see first reveals? ›

Optical illusion test: What you see first reveals whether you are confident or not in love. This optical illusion personality test claims to show what mainly attracts people to you and what kind of individual you are, revealing insights about your romantic traits.

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